Måndag ,

Nu är det bara en vecka kvar till jul ;O Och fattar fortfarande inte .... Ska bara bli gött när det är över , så man slipper all denna hysterin som är just nu .. Alla får typ panik bara av att höra julafton och beklagar sig över hur mycket det är att göra innan jul ... Ja men , skit i julen då .. Det är mitt förslag ;D

Va iväg å kollade på American Pie presents Beta House igår , så jäkla rolig verkligen !
Det är en film ni borde se (:
Vi har kollat på typ fem filmer , och detta är den enda filmen som är bra :P
Jag vet inte vad det är med mig , men jag är typ bäst på att hitta alla dåliga filmer ... Fast Niclas är iofs inte bättre på att hitta bättre filmer ... Den senaste filmen han valde va typ hur tråkig som helst :P

Nu är jag ledig i tre dagar till ... Funderar på om jag kanske ska baka lussebullar sen ... Det är ju gott (:
Fast degen är ännu godare ;D
Har tänkt i flera veckor nu att jag ska göra det , så det kanske är dags nu ?
Dom börjar tjata på mig på Haga Hallen att dom vill ha det , så då får jag väl fixa det - snäll som man är ;D

Meeen nu ska jag hoppa in i duschen och sen försöka laga lite mat :P

Puss & Kram

Hittade detta i Marinas blogg , tyckte det va lite roligt ;P

Hur mycket tjej är du?

[ ] My fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
[ ] During the summer the only shoes I wear are flip flops
[x] My favorite toys as a child were Barbies
[ ] My favorite color is pink or purple
[x ] I did gymnastics
[x] I love skirts
[ ] Hollister is one of my favorite places to shop
[x] Tight jeans are the only jeans I'll wear
[x] I love chocolate
[x ] I've never had a real job

[ ] My hair is almost always straightened
[ ] I have at least 8 myspace pictures
[x] I usually go shopping once a week
[x] I love to hang out at the mall with friends (... oftast blir det fika:P)
[ ] I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace or earrings
[x] I've gone to a tanning salon
[x] I've gone to the beach to tan - not to swim
[x] I have at least 10 pairs of shoes
[x] I watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
[ ] I change my icon weekly
[ ] I wear a shower cap

[x] I don't shop at Hot Topic
[x] My cell phone might as well become a part of me
[x] I wear mascara everyday
[ ] I've been or am on a diet
[ ] Bathing suits are adorable (not bikinis??)
[ ] I don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat
[x] Big sunglasses are hot
[x] I have gotten my nails done before
[ ] MTV is one of my favorite channels

[ ] All I want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys
[x] I love to have girls do my hair
[x] I give and receive hugs from all my friends
[x] I hate bugs
[x] Carnivals are so fun!
[x] Summer is THE best season
[x] My swimsuit has 2 pieces
[x] I'm waiting for my knight in shining armor (but we can be together untill then)
[ ] Musicians are so hot
[x] You write me a poem and tell me I'm beautiful, and I'm all yours

[x] I am self-conscious
[ ] I cry often
[ ] My car smells like vanilla or cherry
[x] My dishes get washed more than once a week
[x] I don't do sports
[x] I HATE to run
[ ] I squeal when I am surprised or angry
[x] I eat dried fruit as a snack
[x] I love romance novels
[ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute

[x] I dance a lot.
[x] I usually spend an hour or more to get ready to leave my house
[x] I only have like 5 billion hair products
[x] I love to get dressed up
[x] every part of my outfit needs to match
[x] I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
[x] I would love to have a photo shoot
[x] I apply lip stuff 50 times a day
[x] I wish I were a model

[ ] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton
[ ] I have been something that was semi (...what?)
[ ] I own Uggs
[ ] Hip hop is the best music
[ ] I pop my collar
[x] I like to be the center of attention
[ ] Guys with mohawks are crazy
[ ] Horses are beautiful
[x] I'd rather not pay attention in school
[X] Cats are adorable

[ ] I write my own music
[x] I would love to visit Hawaii
[x] Valentine's day is nice, not cute, nice... (When you're not alone!)
[ ] White is better than black
[x] I wouldn't be caught dead in all black
[x] My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes
[x] I hate the grunge look
[x] I love to read magazines

[x] I love to gossip
[ ] I had Lisa Frank folders/posters/notebooks as a kid
[ ] I love Celine Dion
[x] My bubble baths are 1-2 hrs long
[ ] My wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned
[ ] My friends and I are in a strict group. We mostly only hang out with each other.
[x] I like little kids
[ ] Diet drinks are the best
[ ] I'm all about being vegetarian
[ ] I refuse to eat at McDonalds (WHY?? I work there!)

[ ] I check my Myspace everyday.
[x] I love life
[x] I have a lot of jewelry!
[ ] My screen name(s) have x's in them
[ ] Either one of my Myspace names has/had <3's or in them
[ ] I would never want to be the opposite sex
[x] It's not what he/she said - it's the way he/she said it
[x] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed

57 /95..... A little girly... Not too much but niether a dude..


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